How to fill out kid’s school paperwork
The first week of school can be overwhelming for everyone. Even if you are organized and have a back-to-school checklist, there are new schedules, new teachers, and new car lines and bus schedules to figure out. School supply lists and forms for parents to fill our can quickly pile up. Follow these steps for the most efficient way to fill out kid’s school paperwork.
When to fill out kids school paperwork
Unless it is due the next day, wait until that first weekend to fill out kid’s school paperwork. More paperwork or forms from other teachers, about extracurricular activities or upcoming events will likely trickle home during those first few days and I like to sit down and do it all at once! (See The Lazy Genius Guide to Batching for more on this). Find a chunk of time to sit down with all the forms or log onto your child’s school portal to complete everything at once.
Do your homework before you get started
Scan through the forms before you sit down to complete it. What will you need?
- Immunization record
- Birth Certificate
- Documentation or date of last physical exam with the pediatrician
- Eye Exam
- Name and contact number for the pediatrician
- Health insurance card
- Proof of address (You may need several if you are changing schools)
- Names and contact information of emergency contacts. It is a good idea to notify grandparents, neighbors, family friends to put the school number in their phone so they will answer if they are ever called.
- Information regarding any services your child receives at school such as IEP, speech, extended time.
- Family Calendar – get important dates on your family calendar so you are not in a pinch when the kids are off for teacher inservice.
- Checkbook/ Venmo/ pay- pal – get ready to join the PTA, buy the class shirt, and send in that field trip money
School Paperwork Tips
- If you have multiple children at the same school the paperwork can be very repetitive. If there are some generic forms, fill out as much as you can (address, parent’s contact info, pediatrician, health insurance information, etc ) on one form. Make a copy for each child. Leave the name, date of birth and grade empty and fill the child specific information on the copies.
- The beginning of the school year is always a crazy time for pediatrician’s offices. They get tons of calls for immunization records and school/sports physicals. It will save you calls and time to get on your health care provider’s website. MyChart is a common one with easily printable immunization records and office visits (like your child’s last physical exam). You can also ask for an emailed or printed copy at any appointment thought the year. Having this on hand will make filling out that paper work much easier!
- Get your kids involved. If they are young this is great time for them to review their address, your phone number and parent’s names. If they can write have them practice writing this important information. If there is any new information such as a teacher, bus number, after school care program name have them also practice these. For older kids have them help you complete forms or do home/ get their own planner/ school supplies organized work while you complete the school forms. This will help get everyone organized and start the year off on the right foot.
One Last thing
There is often section somewhere in the back to school paperwork that asks “is there anything you would like to know about your child?” or “do you or your child have goals for this year?” While the rest of the paperwork is checking boxes and moving on quickly this may be a good time to slow down. This is a great time to note any concerns or issues you want the teacher to be aware of from the beginning. Give at least basic information about your child’s learning style, personalty, and social development. If you have more you want to communicate, don’t hesitate to ask for a conference early in the year. Our teachers are true heroes that love and educate kids well. They also have mountains of their own paperwork and twenty something kids to take care of each day. You are your child’s best advocate and starting the year off with everyone on the same page is great place to start.
Oh my gosh this is so helpful!!! I feel like I am organized and good at paperwork, but there were several things in here I’d never thought of or didn’t know! Thank you!
So glad to help. Back to school is hard enough as it is!! Hope your kids are getting in the swing of things and you were able to get all their paperwork done quickly!