100 Screen-Free Activities for Boys
In today’s digital age, it’s easy for boys to get glued to screens! There seems to be more data every year on the negative effect of screens on growing brains. I don’t know if I’m the only one, but can I see the attention, behavior, and social changes in my own children when they have been watching TV or playing a game on a tablet. The good news for parents is that engaging them in screen-free activities can foster creativity, physical fitness, social success, and life skills. As a mom with a boy and girls, I have found it more difficult to find engaging screen-free activities for boys. After years of testing and exploring we found some winners! Here are 100 screen-free activities that can keep boys engaged and off screens!
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Sports Activities
Sports activities are a fantastic way to keep boys active! With these, they can develop coordination, gain strength, improve specific sports skills, and burn off energy! Here are some ideas:
- Basketball: Set up a hoop in the driveway or backyard.
- Soccer: A simple soccer ball can provide hours of fun add a portable goal or some cones for foot skills practice and you have hours of fun!
- Tee Ball: Great for younger boys to learn the basics of baseball and for older kids to practice. Even the best older players practice off a Tee into a net.
- Football: Play catch or a friendly game of touch football. This glow-in-the-dark football is fabulous!
- Tennis: Set up a net in the yard or head to a local court.
- A Rebounder: A rebounder is a great training tool for baseball, soccer, lacrosse, tennis, and other sports. It can be used to practice drills or just as a fun game.
- Frisbee: Perfect for the park or backyard.
- Skateboarding: Learn some tricks and cruise around the neighborhood.
- Spikeball: A fun, portable game that can be set up almost anywhere. This is another game that actually works on timing, coordination, and body control.
- Hockey: Whether it’s street hockey or ice hockey, it’s a great way to burn energy.
- Golf: Practice putting in the backyard or visit a mini-golf course.
- Ping Pong: Set up a table in the garage or basement. This is great for hand-eye coordination that can translate to so many other sports.
- Cross Country/ Track: Getting started as a runner can be as easy as walking out the front door or going to any park. This is a great parent-child activity!
- Lacrosse: Learn to catch, pass, and shoot.
- Bowling: Head to the bowling alley or set up a makeshift bowling alley with plastic bottles as pins.
- Swimming: An amazing form of exercise and a valuable safety skill. A summer swim team is a great way to ensure hours of screen free activities for your seamer.
- Wiffle Ball: Great for backyard baseball games.
- Pull- Up Bar: Improves strength and coordination.
- SKLZ Reactive Catch Sports Trainer: This is fun, catch training tool that can be made into lots of games and supply hours of play.
- Pickleball: Going to a park or club with pickleball courts is a fun, screen-free outing. There are also many fun portable sets that can be put up in your driveway to play at home.
Games to Get Them Moving
These screen-free activities for boys will encourage them to move through games not only keeps them fit but also improves their social skills and creativity.
- Capture the Flag: A classic game for large groups.
- Tag: There are so many variations to keep it interesting. Here are 30 variations of Tag if you need a fresh look!
- Hide and Seek: Endless fun for kids of all ages.
- Obstacle Course: Set one up in the backyard or the basement.
- Scavenger Hunt: Create a list of items for them to find indoors or outdoors. This scavenger hunt game makes it super easy!
- Twister: This classic game is perfect for when boys who don’t love to sit still for a traditional board game.
- Red Light, Green Light: Perfect for younger kids.
- The Floor Is Lava: Play the with DIY version with household items or the official Floor is Lava Game.
- Relay Races: Fun for family gatherings or a group of neighborhood kids.
- Musical Chairs: Keep the music and the fun going.
- Jump Rope: Improve coordination and endurance.
- Dance Party: Let them show off their moves.
- Minute To Win It Games: Will be the hit of a play date or family event.
- Balloon Volleyball: A safe indoor game for a cold day.
- Bean Bag Toss/Corn Hole: Will keep boys of all ages (and even the dads) entertained for hours at a gathering or barbecue.
- Keepy Uppy : If you have a balloon, you have hours of screen-free fun!
- Four Square: Invite some friends or neighbors over for this playground favorite.
- Freeze Dance: Dance when the music is on, and freeze when it stops.
- Indoor Laser Maze: Try this streamer laser maze to test agility and secret agent skills!
- Water Balloons: A guaranteed hit with boys of all ages.
Learning Life Skills
Learning life skills is crucial for boys as they grow. These activities can help them become more confident, independent, and responsible.
- Cooking: there are so many life skills that can be taught in the kitchen including measuring, math, knife skills, and food safety.
- Baking: Following multi-step instructions is a valuable life skill.
- Gardening: Start with a small herb, vegetable, or flower garden. Watering and weeding can be daily screen-free activities.
- Get Dressed: Sounds simple but putting together a complete outfit for sports, school, or social occasions is important.
- Laundry: Teach them how to wash, dry, and fold clothes.
- Budgeting: Use allowance to teach money management and practical math skills.
- Car Maintenance: Take them along for oil changes and car washes.
- First Aid: Learn basic first aid skills. The American Red Cross offers youth classes and clubs in some areas.
- Write a letter: Addressing and mailing a letter is an important skill and a great way to stay in touch with friends and family.
- Cleaning: Vacuuming, dusting, or wiping down counters are perfect ways for even younger boys to contribute to keeping your home clean.
- Take out the trash: where does it go and where to find a clean replacement bag.
- Camping: Start with a backyard campout and work your way out into the world.
- Pet Care: Let them assume care of the family pet or help a neighbor walk their dog.
- Check out a Library Book: Can your son locate a book, check it out, and return it to the library?
- Home Repair: Simple fixes around the house.
- How to Tie Shoes: If this has been a challenge for your son use some extra time to work on this skill.
- How to Pack for a trip: Next time you need a screen-free activity before a trip have your son brainstorm about what they need on the trip, make a list, and pack items.
- Etiquette: Review table manners at home and then plan a fun dinner out to practice.
- How to calculate a tip at a restaurant: Don’t want them on an Ipad while out to eat? Have kids practice calculating a tip during dinner.
- Memorize Important Information: Address, Mom and Dad’s phone numbers, and their social security number are all great to work on!
Geek Out
For boys who love science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM), these activities are will satisfy their curiosity and passion.
- Building Models: From airplanes to robots.
- LEGO: Endless building possibilities. If your son loves LEGOS, you may never need to come up with another screen-free activities for boys!
- Collecting Sports Cards: A fun, restful hobby for sports fans! They can spend hours learning stats and organizing them.
- Robotics Kits: Build and program robots.
- Science Experiments: There are so many great kits now like this Spy Science Activity.
- Themed Sensory Bins: Can provide hours of screen free fun.
- Rubik’s Cube: Can you solve one?
- Chess: Improve strategic thinking and problem-solving.
- Paper Air Planes: Who can get the longest flight? These classics or these Star Wars-themed ones are good for at least a solid screen-free afternoon.
- Electronics Kits: Learn about circuits and electronics. This Snap Circuit Kit is wonderful place to start.
- Reading: Dive into science fiction or historical books. Try these 18 Ways to Encourage Reading in Elementary-Aged Kids
- Board Games: Strategy games like Risk or Blokus are favorites!
- Card Games: Learn an easy game that only requires a deck of cards and can be taken on the go. War is a great game to start with.
- Model Trains: Set up and run a model train set.
- Make a comic book: With this cool kit.
- Brain Teasers: Keep their minds sharp.
- Create a Sports Scrapbook: Include a team photo, a ribbon, certificate, and have them write about their experience.
- Photography: Learn the basics of taking great photos.
- Origami: Create intricate paper designs.
- Kite Making: Build and fly kites.
Additional Fun Activities
- Remote Control Cars/ Trucks: These classics never get old.
- Drawing: Sketching and doodling.
- Start A Business: As soon as your son has mastered some of the life skills (see above) they could water plants, walk dogs, do some light yard work, or take out trash for neighbor or friends.
- Comedy: Get a book of kid’s jokes to learn and be the hit of the lunch table.
- Build a Fort: If you have an old bedsheet and a chair, you can have an epic fort.
- Magic Tricks: Learn and perform magic tricks.
- Music: Learn to play an instrument.
- Singing: Karaoke or singing practice.
- Temporary Tattoos: Pick their favorite team or theme.
- Run through the sprinkler or hose: Water play is perfect for a hot day.
- Bird Watching: Learn about and observe local birds.
- Rock Collecting: Start a rock collection.
- Punching Bag: A punching bag is a great way to get out some energy on rainy day.
- Bike Riding: Go for a ride around the neighborhood.
- Swimming: Head to the pool or beach.
- Set up a backyard picnic: Let them set up and prepare everything for a fun outdoor meal.
- Canoeing: Paddle on a lake or river.
- Make a Paracord Bracelet: with this cool kit.
- Indoor Climbing: At a nearby rec center or climbing gym is a great way to harness strength ant focus..
- Tie Dye: A craft even the coolest dudes will get into!
These activities not only keep boys away from screens but also help them grow in various aspects of life. From sports and physical games to learning essential life skills, there’s something for every interest and personality. Encourage boys to try new things, discover their passions, and most importantly, have fun!